6AG1155-6AU01-7CN0 SIEMENS SIPLUS ET 200SP IM155-6PN HF -40…+70°C with Conformal Coating based on 6ES7155-..

6AG1155-6AU01-7CN0 SIEMENS SIPLUS ET 200SP IM155-6PN HF -40…+70°C with Conformal Coating based on 6ES7155-..

SIPLUS ET 200SP IM155-6PN HF -40…+70°C with Conformal Coating based on 6ES7155-6AU01-0CN0 . PROFINET 2-port interface modul IM155-6PN/2 High Feature, 1 slot for SIMATIC BusAdapter, max. 64 Periphery modules and 16 ET 200AL modules, S2 redundancy, Multi Hot swapping, 0,25ms isochronous mode, server module included

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